The biggest problem in not blogging frequently is that now I have SO MUCH I want to put in, I don't know where to begin! There's knitting & traveling & the antics of the kitties... and after viewing my Charleston pictures, I really want to study my camera more. I'm really just winging it here, and it is taking AWESOME pictures!
We met our friends Michael & Julia in Charleston for Valentine's Day weekend in 2004, and decided we wanted to do this every year. It is now 2008, and this is the first time we've been able to do it since then. Hopefully we can pull it off again before 2012...
We'll start with our tour with Beidler Forest. Absolutely beautiful walk through a swamp, which sounds far more romantic if referred to by it's definition of "a flooded forest." Appreciation for the true beauty requires watchful eyes, alert ears, and a tranquil spirit. In that attitude, you will discover some amazing examples of God's work, and maybe even a Madonna statue:We enjoyed looking at all of the knees the way you might look at clouds. We used a little imagination to find creatures including a cat, a bird, and a dragon.
Then we began to discover the real fauna with this Barred Owl:Isn't he simply gorgeous? I love raptors -- they are so majestic. Then we go for the sweet one:
Having a little trouble convincing my computer to let me zoom in on the Hermit Thrush (first attempts editing photos), but he's adorable nonetheless. They both posed well, unlike the Great Horned Owl we found driving back from the tea plantation:
At the Charleston Tea Plantation we toured the factory and grounds, and of course sampled the tea. In our "young" nation it is fun to walk through our "old" history.Lastly, I'll post the Saucer Magnolia picture. This is why we love Charleston in February: