Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Happy New Year!

The craziness of 2007 has passed, and here we sit (together, can you believe it?). I may begin the new year with a new blog, considering a spell check split my name in a place I never intended it to be split. Eclectic + chick = Eclectichick. Not Eclectic -hick. No. Definitely not. And I lurk and envy the layouts of other blogs, so it may be time to make a clean break and start anew. I also have found that my original need for blogging has been filled by Ravelry, and in a better format. (Just fill in the blanks.) And how cool is it to see that someone from Israel or Finland has half-a-dozen projects in common with me? I do find that the blog is not completely obsolete, hence the need to seek another outlet, or just a different name (which will be thoroughly put through the ringer prior to starting the new blog). Content will probably not change much although, as many in cyberspace are doing today, I intend to post more frequently.